Live entertainment? Theater, opera, dance, comedy take it outside (Pioneer Press)


Kathy Berdan for the Pioneer Press ( — August 29, 2020


Actor John Heimbuch is scheduling backyard performances of “Charlie Bethel’s Beowulf” for small groups over the next month or two. He says his one-person performance is for “adults, families, and kids who like mythology and fantasy books.” It’s based on an old English poem about a warrior and some monsters. This version of “Beowulf” was written by Charlie Bethel and was a big hit at the 2019 Minnesota Fringe, where it was also performed by Heimbuch, co-artistic director of Walking Shadow Theatre.

Audience groups will need to be masked and socially distanced. “Ideally not more than 5-7 pods per performance – 12-16 people max, depending on yard size and layout,” Heimbuch says. For info: For availability, rates and booking information, email

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Experimenting with the Virtual Epic (Minnesota Playlist)